Staying vigilant
Al Dhafra PV2 are committed to achieving the following and require all Contractor’s to adopt these QHSE commitments.
Provide and maintain safe working environments so that risks to health, safety, environment, and welfare are reduced to a level as low as is reasonably practicable.
Implement a risk-based Quality, Health, Safety, Social and Environmental (QHSE) management system that conforms to the legal requirements, local and international practices, and standards.
Train all employees to be aware of their own responsibilities in respect of relevant Quality health and safety matters and ensure that they participate in the prevention of accidents and co-operate with measures taken to prevent industrial disease.
Ensure that conservation and protection of Environment is equally important for the business.
Adopt a preventative approach in all our business activities by implementing the project’s Environmental & Social Impact Assessment and associated management plans to ensure legal and contractual compliance, using resources prudently and minimizing pollution.

Set standards to promote and assure the best HSSE performance of our supply chain and service providers.
Instruct all project employees and workers with their Human right to have the best work environment on site and live in better accommodation and have their right to raise any grievance , AL Dhafra PV2 is committed to implement strategy for all our projects in compliance with the IFC and EBRD standard.
Annually review our QHSE policy statement to set performance and management targets to enhance continual improvements of our commitment to the environment, social responsibilities and health and safety of our work force and local community.
Cooperate with appropriate authorities (if applicable) and technical organizations to ensure that policies are updated, and standards reviewed to reflect good industry practice.
Committed to provide all necessary procedures and cooperating with the authorities to limit the spread of infectious diseases, as well as in the event of pandemic spread in society.

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